余氏屡获国际殊荣,包括获得四次艾美奖提名、New York Art Directors Club Award、三届 BDA Awards、Monitor Award、ID Magazine International Design Award、HOW Magazine International Design Award、AIGA Design Award 及Eyes and Ears of Europe Award。
余氏亦积极参与多个大型展览,曾于Artist Space、PS1/Clock Tower Gallery及The Dia Art Foundation参展,其作品曾于国际艾滋病设计比赛中,获得各方一致好评。其后,余氏更被New York Public Art Fund委托设计及制作一段长30秒的艾滋病政府宣传电视短片。
余氏及后于美国创办 yU+co,专为电影、电视及游戏设计动画及片头。荷李活电影中那些风格强烈、极具震撼力的动画便是出自余氏及其团队之手笔;与他们合作过的荷李活大师众多,包括著名导演史提芬史匹堡、李安、吴宇森、Sydney Pollack、Ridley及Tony Scott 等。
yU+co 亦为美国多间主要媒体如ABC、HBO 及Showtime 设计电视电影及节目片头,该公司更因此而获得先后四次艾美奖Main Title Design的提名。
yU+co近期参与的工作包括即将上映的荷李活电影《Watchmen》和《玩命关头4》及最新游戏作品《恶灵古堡5》和《Resident Evil 5》。此外,公司亦正着手筹备多个大型项目,包括中国移动的互动贸易展览、英特尔的科技展示中心,及中国2010年上海世界博览会。
蜚声国际的余氏除担任yU+co的主席外,更于School of Visual Arts任教平面设计,并定期于纽约举行个人艺术展。余氏更曾与麻省理工学院Media Lab创办人之一、与被喻为二十世纪最具影响力的设计师
Muriel Cooper 合作,为IBM 设计「未来接口的试验版」(Future Interface Demo)。
此外,余氏亦是美国Carnegie Mellon University、德国Cologne International Film School及中国中央美术学院设计学院的客席讲师,专门教授电影片头设计。余氏现为瑞士Alliance Graphique Internationale的会员及美国Academy of Television Arts and Sciences的Title Design and Special Effects Peer Group 行政委员。
Garson Yu
Creative Visionary
President and Creative Director
Hong Kong native Garson Yu is an international leader in the fields of graphic and design.
Yu has won numerous awards and honours including four Emmy nominations, the New York Art Directors Club Award, three BDA Awards, Monitor Award, ID Magazine International Design Award, HOW Magazine International Design Award, AIGA Design Award and the Eyes and Ears of Europe Award.
He has had group exhibitions at the Artist Space, PS1/Clock Tower Gallery and The Dia Art Foundation and his design entry won the International AIDS design competition. After this acclaim, he was then commissioned by the New York Public Art Fund to design and produce a 30-second television Public Service Announcement on AIDS.
He is the founder of yU+co, a design company which specialises in motion graphics for film, television and games. yU+co has collaborated with many Hollywood filmmakers for their title design work including Steven Spielberg, Ang Lee, John Woo, Sydney Pollack, and Ridley and Tony Scott.
yU+co has also worked with major US networks such as ABC, HBO, and Showtime to design television movie titles and show openers earning the company four Emmy nominations for Main Title Design.
The company’s most recent work can be seen in the upcoming Hollywood releases ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Fast and Furious 4’, as well as the games‘Resident Evil 5’ and ‘Tom Clancy’s End War’. Recent projects include an interactive trade show exhibit for China Mobile, a technology demo centre for Intel, and work for the upcoming World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
Yu himself has taught graphic design at the School of Visual Arts and exhibited as an artist in New York and has worked with Muriel Cooper at the MIT Media Lab where he designed IBM’s ‘Future Interface Demo’.
He is also a visiting lecturer for film title design at Carnegie Mellon University, US, Cologne International Film School, Germany and Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design, China. He has also been accepted as a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale, Switzerland. He serves
on the Title Design and Special Effects Peer Group Executive Committee for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in the US.
Captions for photos:
300?main-on-end film title sequence- 2007
Bee Movie main-on-end film title sequence- 2007
Desperate Housewives?television show open - 2004
Enchanted?main-on-end film title sequence - 2007
Ugly Betty?television show open - 2006