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Kristina Isakovich

Kristina Isakovich
Philips Healthcare高級副总裁及市场推广总监

Kristina Isakovich是飞利浦保健产品的高级副总裁及市场推广总监,专责市场推广及其他业务发展,包括联营业务、收购合并及伙伴合作关系。她于2007年10月擢升至此职位,致力加强飞利浦保健产品业务的领导地位。

在加入飞利浦前,Isakovich是全球著名科仪公司之一的Fisher Scientific International Inc.之市场推广副总裁。任内期间,她重整庞大的市场推广部门,分拆成每个业务部门均拥有针对该专业的推广团队。此外,Isakovich花上两年时间,将一个繁复的商品目录改善为一个灵活、以行业划分按需模式的方法编排目录系统,广为商界领袖及顾客所喜爱。同时,她亦为公司统一企业品牌形象,并建立市场推广标准及全公司应用的市场推广程序。

Kristina Isakovich
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Philips Healthcare

Kristina Isakovich is the senior vice president and chief marketing officer for Philips Healthcare and she is responsible for marketing as well as a variety of other business development opportunities including alliances, mergers, acquisitions and partnerships. She advanced to this position in October 2007 in a move aimed at strengthening the leadership of Philips Healthcare.

Prior to joining Philips, Isakovich was the vice president of marketing at Fisher Scientific International Inc., where she built a highly decentralized marketing organization with dedicated marketing teams in
each business unit. She was also responsible for transforming the catalog function from a bureaucratic process with two-year lead times to a nimble, industry-leading catalogon- demand operation, valued by business leaders and customers. She also standardised Fisher’s corporate brand identity and established marketing standards and corporate-wide marketing processes.