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马清运是中国最具影响力的建筑师之一,由他带领的建筑事务所MADA s.p.a.m活跃于国际建筑界,已被业界公认为中国最具代表性及最独特的建筑事务所之一。MADA创立之时间虽短,但凭借其创意澎湃的设计及专业的设计团队,其作品能成功突围,并于国际建筑界占一重要席位。

MADA 的作品已被广泛地出版及于世界各地展出,包括著名的威尼斯双年展、巴黎的庞比度中心及柏林的Aedes Gallery。其客户甚为广泛,尔来曾为市政府、公共机构及私人发展商创造多个地标建设,包括教学园、商厦及商住单位,而它亦精于办公室设计,由政府机构、媒体制作公司的办公室以至示范单位的设计均有涉足。

誉满国际的马氏曾为多个重要的座 谈会作主讲嘉宾,当中更被推荐参与于庞比度中心举办的「Future of City」演讲及展览会,而其作品亦于欧洲及亚洲各地作展览。马氏获得 多个建筑设计奖项,包括Architecture Record的「Architectural Vanguard」、Phaidon的「Emerging Design Talents」、A+U的「Pioneers of Chinese Architecture」及Euro-Asia Foundation的 「New Trends of Architecture」。



1996 年,马氏在中国获得副教授职衔,并获委任为中国深圳设计学院之助理院长。现时,他于哥伦比亚大学建筑学系的工作室授课,并带领研究纽约及上海的城市问题。

马氏于1988年在清华大学建筑系修毕土木工程学士课程,及后赴笈美国宾夕法尼亚大学美术研究院攻读建筑硕士学位,并于1991年毕业时获得「Frank Miles Day Memorial Prize」。

Ma Qing-yun
Founder, Partner and Design Principal of MADA s.p.a.m.
Dean of School of Architecture, University of Southern California

Ma Qing-yun is arguably one of the most influential architects in China and his firm MADA s.p.a.m is by far the most visible Chinese practise on both the international scene and in China. MADA is a young but energetic and creative design firm with a highly committed international design team and an extremely productive professional office.

MADA’s work has been widely published and exhibited, for example, at the Venice Biennale, the Pompidou Centre in Paris, and the Aedes Gallery in Berlin. The firm has also successfully provided design services to a large array of clientele including municipal governments, public institutions and private developers on various building typologies including educational parks, commercial complexes and mixed-use residential developments as well as having designed and executed office spaces for government and institutions, media production and speculative use.

Ma has been a keynote speaker at many important symposiums including ‘Future of City,’ and his works have been widely exhibited in Europe and Asia. He has received various honours including ‘Architectural Vanguard’ by Architecture Record, ‘Emerging Design Talents’ Phaidon, ‘Pioneers of Chinese Architecture’ by A+U, ‘New Trends of Architecture’ by Euro-Asia Foundation.

In China, he served as the planning expert and presenter to the International Olympic Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and member of the conceptual script team for the 2010 Expo in Shanghai. He has served on important national competition juries such as the 2008 Olympic Stadium and the Media Park for CCTV.

He has also been a visiting professor and critic at various institutions such as Harvard, Columbia and UPenn in the US, ETH, Berlage and Berlin Technical University in Europe.

In 1996, Ma was granted associate professorship in China and assigned as assistant dean for the new Shenzhen University. Currently, Ma is teaching at a studio in Columbia addressing problems across New York and Shanghai.

Ma received his master’s in Architecture with the honour of the ‘Frank Miles Day Memorial Prize’ from the Graduate School of Fine Art at the University of Pennsylvania in 1991 and his Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering in Architecture from Tsinghua University in 1988.