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Moon Jang-hyun

Moon Jang-hyun

ahn graphics ltd.

Moon Jang-hyun现为韩国首尔ahn graphics ltd. 的美术总监。自投身平面设计,Moon便于ahn graphics ltd. 担任平面设计师一职,无论是设计小册子、年报、企业刊物还是标志,他那惹人注目的视觉设计,不但显露了其独特的个人风格,更让他在韩国设计界打响名堂。Moon的设计之路始于韩国首尔弘益大学,并于此修毕视觉传意学士及硕士课程,为他的视觉传意技巧打好基础。在修读硕士期间,Moon积极参与多个展览,包括「Super-Garbage Can」及「Towards the Human Relationship」,并于2004年在Ssamzie Space举办展览计划「Hangul DADA」。

ahn graphics ltd. 创于1985年,在这二十多年来稳步发展,现已成为一间拥有约100名创作人员及设计师的公司。这间由安尚秀教授创立的韩国平面设计公司,擅长运用多角度、新旧融合的平面设计策略进行多元化的创作,多年来培育出多位极具代表性的本土设计师,为韩国的创意工业奠下重要基石。

Moon涉猎的设计范畴甚广,他曾为韩国首尔的四座Capital Palaces及韩国主要电讯公司之一KTF的大楼设计告示牌系统、协助住宅DESSIAN进行概念设计。另外,他亦为KTF提供设计顾问服务、替LG Electronics的小册子及产品目录设计工作、为MSD Korea及ToraySaehan设计产品目录,以及为Korea Telecommunications设计公司年报。此外,Moon将其创意延伸至企业刊物设计,代表作包括LG的《The Face of Future》及韩国美容化妆品牌AMOREPACIFIC旗下的《o’sulloc》。

其他由Moon企划的重要作品包括2005年Crown Prince Entering School的画册及韩国著名网络搜寻器的月刊《NAVERTREND》。

Moon Jang-hyun
Art Director
ahn graphics ltd.

Moon Jang-hyun is the art director of ahn graphics ltd., in Seoul, Korea. Since starting his professional career as a graphic designer, Moon has worked for ahn graphics ltd, making his mark developing striking visual design in Korea, including through brochures, annual reports, corporate magazines, and signage. Moon’s graphic design career was launched through Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in visual communication design from Hong-ik University in Seoul, Korea, where he began polishing the skills of visual communication. During his Masters course, Moon participated in a number of exhibitions, including ‘super-garbage can’ and ‘towards the human relationship.’ Moon also held an exhibition, ‘Hangul DADA,’ at Ssamzie Space in 2004.

A Korean graphic design company that has grown steadily for over 20 years, ahn graphics ltd., now employs around 100 creators and designers. Since Ahn Sang-soo established ahn graphics ltd. in 1985, the firm has produced numerous representative Korean designers, and fostered the graphic design industry in Korea. Ahn graphics ltd. is engaged in diverse aspects of graphic design strategy from the traditional to the new.

Moon’s graphic design projects include signage design for the four Capital Palaces in Seoul, Korea,
signage design for the building for KTF (one of the leading Korean telecommunication companies), and conceptual design for the DESSIAN apartment. He has performed design management consulting for KTF, catalogue design and brochure design for LG electronics, brochure design for MSD Korea and ToraySaehan, as well as annual report design for Korea Telecommunications. Moon has also applied his creativity to corporate magazine design for the face of future of LG, and for o’sulloc of AMOREPACIFIC.

Other key projects by Moon include a picture book design in 2005 on the Crown Prince Entering School, and NAVERTREND, a monthly magazine for the representative Korean web search engine.

Moon Jang-hyun

Moon Jang-hyun

Moon Jang-hyun

Picture book design on Crown Prince Entering School – 2005
<Verbal hue> – 2006
NAVERTREND (monthly magazine for the representative Korean web searching engine) – 2008
Signage design for 4 capital palaces of Seoul City in Korea – 2006-2008