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Alain Seban



龐比度国家艺术和文化中心是法国三大文化地标之一,到访人数仅次于罗浮宫及艾菲爾铁塔,更是全球第二最多人参观的博物馆。设于中心内的Musée National d’Art Moderne馆藏超过60,000件艺术品,收藏了欧洲,甚至全球最重要的藝術作品。另外,该中心同时是欧洲最大型的公共图书馆,并定期策划表演项目、電影、讲座及座谈会,深受好评。

座落於巴黎>心脏地带的龐比度中心,是二十世纪最具代表性的建筑物之一,由著名建筑师Renzo Piano与Richard Rogers共同设计,二人乃建築界最高荣誉奖项Pritzker Prize的得主。该中心多年来均与各地世界级的博物館合作,策划全球性巡迴展览,现已是公认的顶级展览会策划人。鉴于中心的良好声誉及其馆藏之质素,故常获得特殊的贷款资助。

Seban在就任龐比度中心主席之前,乃前法国总统希拉克的文化及教育顾问、法国外交部部长的特别顾问、Quai Branly Museum筹委会的法律顾问以及National Institute for History of Art筹委会秘书长。而法國政府特别頒發法國文化領域中最高榮譽之一的Commandeur des Arts et des lettres名銜予Seban,以表扬其多年来对文化艺术的贡献。

Alain Seban
Centre Pompidou

President of the Centre Pompidou since 2007, Alain Seban runs this French national cultural centre, which during its thirty-year existence has established itself as one of the world’s foremost institutions in the field of modern and contemporary art.

The Centre Pompidou is the third most visited cultural site in France after the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. With over 60,000 works, the Musée National d’Art Moderne (France’s national museum of modern art, housed in the building) holds one of the best art collections in the world, and the finest in Europe. The Centre is also home to Europe’s largest public reading library, and produces acclaimed programmes of performances, film, lectures and talks.

Standing in the very heart of Paris, the Centre Pompidou is one of the most iconic buildings of 20th-century architecture, designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers – both winners of the Pritzker Prize, architecture’s most distinguished award. It is recognised for its expertise as the world’s premier producer of temporary exhibitions. In collaboration with the leading museums of the world, the Centre’s exhibitions tour the globe and attract exceptional loans, negotiated on the strength of its unrivalled reputation, and the quality of its own permanent collection.

Seban assumed the role of president, after an illustrious career during which he was awarded Commandeur des Arts et des lettres, one of the highest awards in France. Seban’s numerous positions include Advisor for Education and Culture to the former President of the Republic of france, Jacques Chirac, special Advisor to the Minister in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as in the Ministry of Culture, Legal Advisor to the Association for the creation of the Quai Branly Museum and Secretary General of the Committee for the creation of a National Institute for History of Art.

Building at night - 2006
- Sculpture permanent collection (Frenc artist Xavier Veilhan) - 2001
- Architecture - Richard Rogers exhibition - 21 november 2007-3 march 2008
- Fashion show in Museum - Lacroix 4 - 20 january 2008
- Centre Pompidou-Metz, vue sud, Shigeru Ban Architects Europe & Jean de Gastine Artefactory - Project under contruction - opening 2009/2010