Elisha Tal
I2D Design创办人
身兼设计师、发明家及教育家的Elisha Tal,是走在业界最前端的工业设计大师之一。
Tal是著名工业设计公司I2D的创办人,以擅长开发创新产品见称。在过去的十五年,Tal及其团队为多个著名品牌研发革命性的产品,引起极大回响。Tal的客户涉及不同行业,包括Dell、Palm、SanDisk、Pepsi及玩具品牌Tiny Love等,而其研发范围亦很广泛,上至先进的医疗仪器、玩具产品、电子仪器、家庭电器以至概念产品的设计都有所涉猎。
I2D代表「Innovation To Design」,反映出优良的设计理应是一个策略性的过程,目的为把突破性的概念转化为独一无二的设计。I2D一直紧贴这个设计理念,在开发产品时不但着重创新,更配合研究数据,成功创制了多个深受市场欢迎的产品。这些作品当中不乏专利制品,更于世界各地巡回展览,亦囊括了多个国际性的设计大奖,包括Red Dot Award、ID Magazine Annual Design Review Awards及Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award。
Tal于Bezalel Academy修毕工业设计后,于以色列空军担任机师并同期获得物理学及数学学位。其后,他移居到美国加州硅谷,投身设计事业。在当地生活的七年中,他曾出任多个领导设计的职位,包括参与成立数间设计工作室及于著名设计公司IDEO担任得奖作品「Palm V」的设计工作。而Tal亦是IDEO以色列分部的合伙人。
Tal的作品曾被多本设计杂志作广泛报导,部份作品更于Israeli Museum、Gardiner Museum Toronto、La Triennale di Milano及Museum of Moscow展出。
此外,Tal目前 是Bezalel Academy工业设计系的高级讲师。
Elisha Tal
I2D Design
Elisha Tal is a designer, inventor and educator at the forefront of the industrial design field.
Tal is the founder of I2D, a leading industrial design firm that specialises in innovation-driven product development. Over the past 15 years he has created multiple breakthrough designs for companies such as Dell, Palm, SanDisk, Pepsi and Tiny Love. These innovations range from sophisticated medical instruments to mass-produced toys, electronics, home appliances and more conceptually oriented projects.
I2D stands for ‘Innovation To Design,’ which reflects the philosophy that good design is a strategic process aimed at achieving breakthrough ideas and translating them into exceptional design. I2D follows an innovation-driven, research-based approach to product development that has evolved through the design of numerous market-proven products. These have been exhibited internationally, granted many patents and have received prestigious awards worldwide, including the Red Dot Award, ID Magazine Annual Design Review Awards and the Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award.
Before completing his studies in industrial design at the Bezalel Academy, Tal served as a pilot in the Israeli Air force and received a degree in both Physics and Math. After his studies he moved to Silicon Valley in California to pursue his passion for design. During his 7-year stay in California he served in various design-leadership posts, as part ofseveral start up ventures and worked in the famed design agency IDEO where he designed the award winning ‘Palm V.’ Tal was a partner in the IDEO Israeli branch.
His work has been featured in many design publications and has been exhibited at the Israeli Museum, the Gardiner Museum Toronto, La Triennale di Milano, and the Museum of Moscow.
Tal is a senior lecturer at the Department of Industrial Design at the Bezalel Academy.
Objet Connex500, 2007
Lighttree, 2004
San Disk Cruzer Freedom, 2006
3Com Plam V, 1999
Soda Club PURE, 2007