Michael Young
Michael Young 被誉为当代世界设计界最有影响力的设计师之一。他是一个非常多产设计师,致力于产品设计和室内设计,为众多享誉国际的知名品牌设计,其中包括Cappellini、SAWAYA&MORONI、MAGIS 等。他的室内设计获得过多次国际大奖,并被众多国际知名媒体竞相报道。他非常注重工艺的每个细节,并且投身在整个的设计和制造过程中。
1992 年,他以钢为材料编制的作品一经推出,就被蓬皮杜艺术中心和卢浮宫美术馆收藏。而他为东京E&Y 设计的
“Mid Nineties”家具系列被德国慕尼黑博物馆和伦敦的设计博物馆收购。这一系列被认为开创了新家具的典范,创造了设计界崭新的语言。设计双年展总监Max Borka 认为:“Micheal Young的作品被广泛复制,到了今天,要超越他的成就似乎已不可能。”
在完成家具以及产品设计的学业后,Michael Young 先是去了Tom Dixson 工作室“Space”工作,1993 年,他成为一名自由设计师,并与1995 年成立了自己的个人工作室MY-002。从那时起,他为世人带来了诸如Wood Chair、Yogi Family 在内的诸多著名的家具系列。
Michael Young 的创造领域里没有界限,只要是对于物体以及它们的使用和外化的表现充满激情,其余的并不重要。世界就是一个游乐场。当然,是有游戏规则的游乐场,在他看来现今设计的问题在于设计在欧洲成为了装饰,许多作品不再是设计而是装饰艺术。他本人则更倾向于工业化的结果,喜欢用材料游戏,希望人们能够使用。
![Michael Young](images/guest1-4.jpg)
Michael Young has been among the most successful and influential designers of his generation from the outset of his career. His works span across various genres. In1992 his early Woven steel works were immediately acquired by public institutions such as Centre Pornpidou and the Louvre Museum. His "Mid Nineties", collection of furnishings for E & Y Tokyo was purchased by Die Neue Sammlung Museum Germany and the Design Museum London. The collection was sad to have created a new formal language in design. Max Borka, director of the Kotrijk Design Biennale was quoted as saying "it is almost now impossible to pin point its dramatic influence so copied was his work of this period".
After studying Furniture and Product Design at school, he worked at Tom Dixson's studio "Space". Michael started working for himself in 1993 and set up his own studio MY-002 in 1995. Since then, he has brought us his famous furniture serious such as Wood Chair and Yogi Family. In 2000, he moved his studio to Iceland and now lives in Hong Kong. Recently, he has been involved in many branding projects such as Giant and a range of barware for Schweppes Tonic.
![Michael Young](images/guest1-6.jpg)