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Kay Kuo


Kay Kuo

MaxK Design 创始人之一的郭蔚,大学时期学习的是服装设计。工作五年后回到上海,2001 年底在泰康路创建摩克设计。郭蔚参与到诸多项目的设计中,包括主题餐厅、高档住宅、跨国企业办公空间和精品酒店。其作品被媒体广泛的报道,同时,创新性的设计还让她收获了无数的荣誉。郭蔚近期的设计项目有上海皇冠假日酒店、王小慧工作室以及时装品牌Replay 上海总部等。

Kay Kuo
Kay Kuo
行空地使用材料, 把一些看起来毫无关联的材料非常规地运用在一些我们经常使用的物品上。对于设计,郭蔚说:“每接到一个设计,感觉就像谈恋爱,你要先去接触、评估它,看它适合什么,然后热恋,摸透它需要什么样的材质、色彩,如何才能更完美的表现,等设计完成了,也就是分手的时候。
Kay Kuo, Principal Designer and co-founder of MaxK Design, received her training at Fashion Industry Design Merchandise (FIDM) University in Los Angeles. With an extensive experience from design projects both in the USA and Asia, Kay has pursued the mission of providing a seamless fusion of East/West design for a long list of international clients.
Kay's portfolio includes a range of projects including exclusive concept restaurants, highend residences, multinational offices and boutique hotels. Her work is frequently mentioned in print and electronic media and she has won numerous awards for her innovative design work.


Kay Kuo