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中国设计名人堂成员 -- 张智强

Over 40 prizes were awarded to him for his outstanding architec-ture and interior design projects in international competitions.
Design is like playing magic for him, it just keeps changing. Usually, flexibility is embedded in simplic-ity,unlimitation can be found in limita-tion. Any time, he looks for the possibility of change . The idealist space is about extend instead of control, only then a perfect relat-ionship between people and the space can be set up. So the design principal of Gary Chang can be compared to the quality requirement of diamond, that is the 4C. But Gary Chang’4C refers to Choice, Change, Coexi-sting and Connection.

Gary Chang is a famous architect from HongKong. He graduated from the University of HongKong in 1987 and opened his own company in 1994, the Edge Design Institute Ltd. When he was still at school in 1985, his design works began to win a lot of prizes internationally or locally.He was the first architect from Hong Kong to be presented on International Biennial Exhibition of Architecture in Venice in 2000 and 2002.Besides, he was the only one from Hong Kong/China being included in the Book “40 Architects Under 40” published by Taschen. During the past decade years, Gary Zhang’s design or projects extended through out the world, main l and China , HongKong,The United States and other European countries.

  香港著名的建筑师,毕业于香港大学建筑系,94 年创办Edge Design Institute Ltd.。他的建筑及室内设计作品自求学时代(85 年) 起不断获得多个国际、亚太区及香港的奖项,是首位香港建筑师获邀请参加意大利威尼斯国际建筑双年展(2000年及2002 年), 并入选Taschen 出版社书刊《40 Architects Under 40》的世界当代建筑师之一。在过去十多年中,他参与设计了中国内地、香港、美国以及欧洲国家的许多建设项目,他的建筑和室内设计在亚洲和国际赛事上获得过四十多项大奖,设计之于他,就像变魔术一样,是一种游戏迷宫般的变化风格。在简洁中见灵活变化的心思,在有限中创造无限,寻找变化的可能性。在他眼中,最理想的人与空间的关系,不是去控制空间,而是把空间无限展开。所以他的设计哲学一如钻石般强调4C, 但却是 Choice,Chan-ge,Coexisting和Conne-ction。

Gary Chang
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