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1975年出生于北京,毕业于美国耶鲁大学(Yale University),获建筑学硕士以及Samuel J. Fogelson优秀设计毕业生奖。曾经在伦敦的扎哈.哈迪德建筑事务所和纽约埃森曼建筑事务所工作。马岩松2004年回到中国并成立了北京MAD建筑事务所,同时任教于中央美术学院。

马岩松获2001年美国建筑师学会(AIA)建筑研究奖金,2006年度纽约建筑联盟青年建筑师奖。2008年他的建成作品红螺会所被英国伦敦设计博物馆入选2007年度设计奖并被ICON杂志提名为当今最具影响力的20名设计师之一。2008年马岩松被香港的南华早报评为年度建筑师。2006年MAD建筑事务所在加拿大多伦多ABSOLUTE超高层国际竞赛里中标的“梦露大厦”设计(2009年建成),成为历史上首位在国外赢得重大标志性建筑项目的中国建筑师。目前正在建设中的项目包括天津滨海新区358米高层——中钢国际广场,内蒙古鄂尔多斯博物馆以及迪拜世界岛东京岛的规划建筑设计。2008年9月,受第11届威尼斯双年展邀请,MAD将在军火库展出“Super Star_a mobile China Town” 。

Ma Yansong, Founding Principle

Ma Yansong, originally from Beijing, received his Master of Architecture from the Yale University School of Architecture in 2002 .Prior to founding MAD in 2004, Mr. Ma worked as a project designer with Zaha Hadid Architects in London and Eisenman Architects in New York. He also taught architecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Ma was the winner of 2006 Architecture League of New York Young Architect Award. He also received the American Institute of Architects Scholarship for Advanced Architecture Research in 2001 as well as the 2002 Samuel J. Fogelson Memorial Award of Design Excellence. In 2008, his built works, Hongluo Clubhouse was nominated as one of the 100 designs by the London Design Museum and he was also nominated as one of the 20 most influential young architects today by ICON. Ma has been awarded for “style awards for architecture and design” by South China Morning Post in Hongkong in 2008.

His works have won numerous international design competitions, including: the 2006 Absolute Tower Competition in Toronto which is under construction and scheduled to complete in 2009. On-going projects include the Sinosteel International Plaza, a 358m high rise tower in Tianjin Binghai New District, Erdos Museum in Inner Mongolian, China and Tokyo Island, the WORLD in Dubai.

MAD’s concept proposal, Super Star_A mobile China Town is on exhibition in the Uneternal City of the 11th Architecture Biennale in Venice.

About architects and design:
I think architect is a great profession, so many dreams on it.Our ideal is to keep a certain distance between the real world and the imaginary world, I think it's a very valuable thing to do.

About architects and design

I think architect is a great profession, so many dreams on it.Our ideal is to keep a certain distance between the real world and the imaginary world, I think it's a very valuable thing to do
 策划:马海金 网页设计与制作:李小艳  
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