台湾著名室内设计师,淡江大学建筑系毕业。在建筑与室内设计业界超过三十年经验,参与了两岸许多高级室内设计案与建筑公共区域的规划案,如著名的信义之星以及北京星河湾等众多著名寓所设计案。在华人经济圈室内设计领域具有绝对的影响力。他以丰富的经验与深厚的素养,将装饰元素结合当代设计,开创了新装饰主义NEO ART DECO东方美学风格,熟悉运用东方华丽、艺术、时尚元素、将生活形态和美学意识转化为尊贵身份,赋予新奢华生活新内涵,成功塑造当代东方都会美学与21世纪时尚多元的生活型态。
For the past thirty years, T.K.Chu devoted himself to the professional designing in Taiwan and mainland. With a broad range of experiences and knowledge,he brings the decorative elements into contemporary design and creates the course of NEO-ART DECO style.
By making good use of oriental and luxuriant,the arts and the fashion design elements, he translates lifestyle and aesthetic sense into symbol of distinguished status as well as giving new meaning of the modern luxe Life. He successfully shaped the contemporary oriental metropolis aesthetics and the stylish lifestyle of 21st century