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Yonoh Creative StudioYonoh成立于2006年,其使命是从根本上改变及改善现状。我们的主要目标在于增强我们身边的企业、用户和对象之间的关系。 Yonoh是设计界的一个多个学科的专家团队。我们的工作是为企业提高产品和服务质量。我们相信设计不仅仅意味着包装。从企业成立之初到运作自始至终,Yonoh始终坚信设计是一种必需。这是我们坚信的核心思想,它激励我们每天努力工作。因为我们在做我们所信仰的事情,所以我们能把全部精力投入到每一个项目中去,无论是项目大或小,我们团队中的每个人都会竭尽所能做到最好。
在竞争日益激烈的世界若想保持强竞争力,企业重塑自我是必须的。大部分的时候,企业本身对自己公司的观点会受到局限并过于主观。这就是为什么我们相信我们可以帮助你。我们是一支运作过多个项目并拥有丰富经验的团队,我们会从专业角度为企业提供项目所需要的关键元素。我们尽全力提高企业的产品、服务和沟通质量,必要时建立外部协作以便达到最好的效果。责任、效率和纪律是我们的理念, 我们会把它们贯彻于我们工作的始终,因为客户的需求对我们至关重要。它们已经成为Yonoh的一部分,它们是我们的项目,是我们存在的理由。
他们已经获得了多个著名奖项, 如其设计的Arc 椅子获得了2013年IF产品设计奖, 并连续获得2010年度和2011年度Good Design设计金奖。


Yonoh was founded in 2006 with the mission of improving and radically change the status quo. Our main goal is to enhance the relationship between companies, users and the objects which are around us. Yonoh is a team of experts from multiple disciplines linked to the world of design. We work to improve products and services from companies. We believe design means more than a wrapping to garnish things. In Yonoh we conceive design as a must, since the first steps of a company and through its whole existence. This is the core idea in which we believe in and the one which daily stimulates us to work. And because we do what we believe in, we put all our energy in each project, either big or small, and we give the best of each of us.

To reinvent ourselves is a must if we want to be competitive in an increasingly complex world. The vision you have from your own company is, most of the time, partial and too subjective. This is the reason why we believe we can help you. We are a team which deeply gets involved in projects; restless professionals who work to find the key element that your project needs. We put all our efforts for improving companies’ products, services and communication actions, establishing external synergies when needed in order to deliver the best result. Responsibility, exigency and discipline are part of our philosophy and this is the reason why we implement them in our work, because the companies we work for are no joke for us. They become a part of Yonoh; they are our project, our raison d’être. They have been awarded many prestigious design prizes, such as IF product design award (2013, Arc chair) or the Good Design Prize ( 2010 and 2011).

Design category:
Indoor Furniture, Outdoor Furniture, Urban furniture, Office furniture, Lightings