
洪江海 Alex Ang

锦江国际酒店管理有限公司 人力资源副总裁
Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company
Limited Human Resources Vice President
洪江海先生于2007年加入锦江集团。其职责范围包括 全面客服培训计划的开发和实施,重要人力资本开发创 建和主要员工沟通计划。人力资源部将在人力资本开发 部署和国际薪酬与福利方面扮演战略商务伙伴的角色。 洪先生曾在新加坡、印度尼西亚和柬埔寨任职,并于过去九年在中国大陆
各城市工作期间参与多家酒店开业筹备项目。在加入锦江国际酒店管理有 限公司之前,洪先生在喜达屋酒店集团亚太区任区域集团文化发展总监一 职,也曾在万豪、洲际及莱佛士酒店担任酒店高层管理职务。
Alex Ang joined Jin Jiang Hotels in 2007. His areas of responsibility include developing and implementing a comprehensive customer service training program, key human capital development initiatives and a major employee communications program. The Human Resources Division acts as a strategic business partner in human capital development & deployment and in international compensation & benefits.
Mr Ang has been working in Singapore, Indonesia and Cambodia before he started in mainland China. During his past 9 years in China, he has worked in various cities and has opened several hotels. He was the most recent Regional Director of Organisational Learning & Culture for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Asia Pacific. Previously, he also held senior hotel management positions with Marriott, InterContinental and Raffles.


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