
范瑞迪 Diderik Van Regemorter

北京丽晶酒店 运营总监
The Regent Beijing
Managing Director
Diderik Van Regemorter, a Belgian national, was appointed
Managing Director of The Regent Beijing and Park Plaza
Beijing Wangfujing hotels in China in September 2008. He
took up the top role after two years as General Manager at
The Regent Palms in Turks & Caicos, in the Caribbean. Prior
to that, he was with cruise line operator Holland America
Line as Hotel Director and held similar positions with Cunard-Seabourn Cruise
Lines and Princess Cruises. Van Regemorter also has over a decade of experience
with other leading international hotel brands including Marriott Hotels & Resorts,
and Hyatt.
He was awarded ‘General Manager of the Year’ for Carlson managed hotels
including The Regent brand in North America, for delivering superior results and
product turnaround. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management from the
Centre International de Glion, Switzerland.
酒店管理经验丰富的范瑞迪(Diderik Van Regemorter) 于2008年9月被卡 尔森全球酒店集团-亚太区任命为北京丽晶酒店和北京丽亭酒店的运营总 监。范瑞迪来自比利时,就任前,他曾担任加勒比地区特克斯及凯科斯群 岛丽晶酒店的总经理两年。此前,曾就职于荷美航运邮轮公司,担任酒店 总监,并在冠达邮轮及公主邮轮等豪华邮轮公司担任高级管理层。范瑞迪 曾在万豪、凯悦等多家著名国际酒店管理集团工作10余年,拥有丰富的酒 店管理经验。
范瑞迪曾被授予“年度最佳总经理”荣誉,以表彰他在管理卡尔森酒店以 及北美地区的丽晶酒店中所取得的突出业绩和经营回报。范瑞迪毕业于瑞 士的酒店管理学院并获得酒店管理专业学士学位。


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