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李鹰 作为赫斯贝德纳董事合伙人兼赫室中国主事人,李鹰在室内设计领域拥有20余年的工作经验。他在中央工艺美术学院获得 学士学位之后,又前往美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学深造并获得艺术硕士的学位。2003年,他带着多样化和国际化的设计理念加 入HBA旧金山办公室。在他所领导设计的每一个项目中,他都亲自参与设计概念直至设计实施的各个方面的设计和管理工作 。

甄选要求:Minimum of 4-6 years design experience preferred. Two or four year degree from an accredited interior design program preferred. Provide intermediate level technical aptitude when formulating designs parameters and executing design work. Ability to establish logical action plans to complete work and provide technically sound solutions within deadline and budget constraints. Ability to work independently and take initiative in identifying and resolving problems utilizing sound judgment and reasoning skills. Assertive and motivated to generate results. Exceptional time management skills. Professional, ethical and committed to excellence in communications. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Outlook, AutoCAD, Photo Shop, In-Design and / or equal programs. Ability to travel.

助手薪资:面议, 根据经验, 创作天份及设计能力而定。


专题策划:贾楠    设计制作:魏衍宁    编辑:贾楠    联系电话:010-65526679