您的位置:网站首页 > 设计专题 > 设计资讯类 > 2010亨特时尚窗饰全国高校空间设计大赛 > 评委及组委会
清华大学美术学院 教授、博士生导师
广州美术学院 副院长
中国建筑学会室内设计分会 第三(深圳)专业委员会会长
助威语:“室内设计”作为单词,它可能数年不变; 但“室内设计”作为职业理念,则无时无刻不在变化。 为此,同学们理应以自己的行动,来积极对应变化着的“室内设计”。
助威语:中国要担当全球创新和创意领导者的角色,就一定要继续强化自己的教育体系 ,并不断具备国际化的视角和思维;无数的信息交汇,在不知不觉中改变着世界。
Andreas Thomczyk
助威语:If one is working on design competitions promoted by the industry it is essential to develop ones own ideas in 3 steps: 1. Get fully into the product range you are working with. Get a deep understanding of what the product is for and where the products are limited for. 2. "Forget" everything about the product. Instead start to dream about the topic of the competition itself. Create an interesting and solid concept for further development. 3. Merge both steps. Combine your creative ideas with your technical understanding. Work it out seriously by finding the balance of what is exciting on one hand and might be possible to realize on the other hand.
Arnd Christian
助威语:Dear potential participants of the Hunter Douglas design competition,
As we looked back to a very successful competition last year with stunning results on the opening ceremony for this years competition I would like to encourage young designers to jump on this exciting chance to be amongst the successful participants this year.
Having the opportunity to share latest cutting edge technologies of a market leader in shading and decoration products gives you a jump start into the world of architecture, interior design & decoration.
We strongly want to stress the importance of competitive, innovative yet eye pleasing research in your field. You are not only supporting Hunter Douglas but likewise you your selves will grow design strength and knowledge about the products in the market and the way of implementing them in your every days work.
Taking part in this competition will not be about getting high ranks or even winning. Most important is to stretch your imaginary and creative muscle power to new scales of excellence - a step above the average and break barriers of conventional ideas - start dreaming beyond boundaries. Be ready for a different design approach and achieve heights mastership you did not believe you could reach by now.
We, I speak as part of the jury team but still with my own reflections suggest you how you could approach the competition:
For the first part of your design strategy:
Enter this creative adventure by locking your computers&rendering tools, books and past experience as well as the Hunter Douglas in a safe deposit box and hide the keys after you prepared your self well with the basic technical foundations and requirements of the task ahead.
Secondly get independent of influences which lead you on the straight road!
Start the trip through the jungle on the less traveled path. Open your own eyes, ears and thoughts - witness the plenty of choices. Your senses paired with your skills and talents will automatically lead you through your exploring tours towards new ideas, solutions and forms of expressing your design. You are now on the most fun part of the task.
Later you can start the design part. Don't mind starting with simple models and hand sketches, collages and abstract techniques - do not immediately open the computer and restrict your self to AutoCAD and 3d animation. Put the imagination and variety of choices you explored on your phantasy tours in first place. Stay on the individual design trip which will enhance and further lead your design phantasies ahead to new ideas and creations. Add in now the technical innovations and possibilities of the supplied products you studied at the beginning and finalize you very own concept.
This final third part will be the most challenging part and therefore very rewarding!
Finally you remember where the keys to your deposit box are hidden. Now you shape your creative thoughts and ideas with the tools of your choice.
We as judges and the task force of Hunter Douglas know that you are very skill full with computer programs. We wish you are now able to integrate the results of your first and second phase
Once you got that into what every kind of drawing you feel is suitable to express your ideas. You can think of different techniques for the individual design phases as well!
You will prove that your are very capable of getting details and requirement of environment task and product aligned!
Now you succeeded and proved with your very capable project presentation, you can look back proudly on the different stations of your design exploration!
We as jury and the Hunter Douglas task force are keen on reviewing your experiences and solutions and already thank and congratulate you for taking part in this project.
We wish you all the best and good luck for the competition.
John Blanchard
助威语:"A great building must begin with the unmeasurable,
must go through measurable means when it is being designed,
and in the end must be unmeasurable."
Louis Kahn
Subjective - Objective
The idea can come from anywhere, question the
structure and nature of things around you.
Through the realisation of the idea, keep this
questioning, think of light as a material also.
Let others measure the end.
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