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绿厨房 & 家

面对众多电器品牌,斐雪派克(Fisher&Paykel)以其独特的抽屉式理念产品的开发激励我们设计师不断去挖掘那些属于未来的准确的生活空间。感谢斐雪派克(Fisher&Paykel)探索、创新的精神!空间应该是服务于我们的,并且需要具有长远的生命力!我们尊重自然,生命因他/她而来。“接近大自然是最大的奢侈”是我们追求的生活方式!很高兴有垂直绿化(Vertical Green)这样的创意产品。我们的职责是把同类“生命体”舒服地放在一起,试着采用模块化设计(Block-based design)整合电器、垂直绿化以及橱柜,创造简约、宁静的“艺术”空间。真正做到表达返璞归真、化繁为简、正直自然的斐雪派克(Fisher&Paykel)品牌性格!他/她是低调的,也是奢华的!

Green Kitchen & Home

Among numerous electrical appliance brands, Fisher&Paykel encourages our designers to explore constantly those accurate life spaces that belong to the future with its unique concept of withdrawable type product development. Thank Fisher &paykel for its explorative and innovative spirits! Space should be in the service of us, and need a long-term vitality! We respect nature, for life origins from he/she. "Getting close to nature is the greatest luxury" is the way of life we pursuit! Glad to enjoy such creative products as Vertical Green. Our responsibility is to put the same kind of "life entities" comfortably together, and try to adopt Block-based design, integration of electrical appliance, Vertical Green and cabinets, to create a simple and quiet "art" space. Truly express Fisher&Paykel brand’s personality of original nature, simplicity and integrity! He/she is low-key, but luxurious!


