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本方案为模拟厨房设计,主要体现在促进人与人之间的沟通和家人的感情。设计的主要功能还是集中在吃上,同时也把交流作为这一设计的目的,整个空间做了个U形,并把书柜和电视设在操作台的墙面上,洗涤区则方便客人一同参与制作美食。在这过程中电视和书籍更提高了大家的互动性,电磁炉,抽油烟机,冰箱,抽屉式洗碗机都选用了斐雪派克的产品,让我们脱离传统刻板的单一工作方式,打破厨房空间界限,更方便体现了本设计的主题“社交”。(The program simulated kitchen design is mainly reflected in the promotion of communication between people and the feelings of the family. Design of the main function is concentrated in the eat, as well as the exchange as the aim of the design, the entire space to do a U-shaped, and a bookcase and TV on the console of the wall, washing area for guests to participate Make cuisine. TV and books in this process to improve the interaction, induction cooker, range hood, refrigerator, dishwasher drawer selected Fisher & Paykel product, let us out of the traditional rigid single, breaking the kitchen space boundaries, more convenient and reflects the design theme "social".)


