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2013年,我们将面临一个全新的时代! 不同文明时期对应着特定的空间特征.每进入一个新时代.旧时代的空间特征也成为历史.而代表新时代的空间也会应运而生!
We are in face of a whole new era in 2013! Different era of civilization has its own specific spatial features. When we are stepping into a new age, the old distinction of space would become history, while the new one which represents the new era will be born!
我们现在所处的时代,人们更需要的是交流沟通的机会,而空间是响应物质与精神的完美结合.人们在这样的空间中充分的伸展交往,过去那种固定的关系 直线化的 平面化的思维习惯、生活方式都将彻底改变。这种聚集和交往而产生智慧碰撞的火花,形成社会进步的积累,物质与精神的融合也将愈发紧密。
What people need in this period of time is the chance of communication. Space responds to the combination of mind and matter and the life style of people associating in this kind of space along with the fixed interpersonal relationship and the linear or planar mode of thinking would be changed . The congregating and association would spark the fire of wisdom , which accelerates the developing of society and makes matter and mind unite more closely.
设计的主题借鉴欧洲庭院的思想! 将抽屉式理念与厨房电器做完美结合.
The theme of this project inspired by’ European court’, perfectly combining the theory of drawers and kitchen electrical appliance together.
The key strategy is that the fluidity and orienting of space illustrate the concept of “apportioned space”. Kitchen electrical appliance can be divided into several types according to their functions, therefore they could be arranged into different parts of the cabinet, realizing the target of ”get whatever you want wherever you are “
采光和空间实用性很合理 然而实用分布式空间概念和抽屉式的设计,更能提现出整体厨房的可操作性,从而使用者会得到轻松的浪漫的环境.
Lighting and space arrangement are reasonable and practical. Besides, the concept of apportioned space and the idea of “drawer design” can promote the whole kitchen’s practicability, making a romantic and pleasant environment for users


