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传统建筑将厨房的位置放在比较角落的位置,面积也比较小。不仅在空间上限制了社交功能的发挥,也在视觉上阻断了情感的沟通。社交功能则主要体现在客厅。 要发挥厨房餐厅最大社交功能,则要从建筑本身开始考虑。解决视觉阻断,放大厨房及餐厅的面积,模糊厨房的概念。只做一些微小的空间限定。
We could found that the kitchen was settled in the corner at traditional buildings, also smaller area. Not only limit the play of social function but also blocking the emotional communication in terms of vision. Social function is mainly reflected in the living room. The best way we can play a role for social function of kitchen restaurant that we must consider the building itself. We just to limited some tiny space which is solve the block of visual, enlarge the area of the kitchen or dinning-room, and fuzzy the concept of the kitchen.
In the facade of this design proposal . We show that kitchen become the center of the visual witch push we set its position lower and make the high position of sitting room, garden and swimming pool. Meanwhile we let a space of kitchen restaurant become a bridge between sitting room and outdoor swimming pool in the garden, that the kitchen have arranged in midway of the building, and it will increase the area of the kitchen restaurant at the same time. To carry on the space limit that we fuzzy the concept of the space through the rise and limited space.
I believe that design can impact a person’s mind reversely. The concept of social work, means together, and people get together but they will separate one day. I hope that separation is not so sad if my design could let people full of memories even when they recall the day. So I take wings to my table in my space that the elements derived from airliner. After guests ate in my restaurant that they will recollect the day we ate together and smile together, witch they look at the wings out the window of the plane of they take after we separated.


