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设计说明:  新一代年轻人已逐渐成为社会的主流,社交已成为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分,而聚餐则成为社交的主要方式。因此社交厨房则应运而生,成为新一代厨房设计的主流。我的设计以黑白为主色调,凸显了感性与理性的碰撞,追求社会现代感,体现了年轻人认真负责和品质生活的一面。在细节上也进行了贴心的设计,此户型为38平米,设有折叠式吧台,收放自如更加充分利用空间。在南面设有落地窗,当夕阳西下时与朋友一同品味人生享受生活。  在厨房用具上,我们采用斐雪派克的Companion四件套、法式冰箱、升降灶、电磁灶和烟机,大大简化了厨房工作,使得人们有更多时间互相交流。通过这些模块化产品把用户从由灶具和冰箱组成的厨房中解放出来,让空间设计恢复到“服务人”这一原点上来,使人们在社交的同时体会到家的温暖。

Design Description:
  The new generation of young people has gradually become the mainstream of society, social networking has become an indispensable part of their lives, and dinner together has become the main form of social networking. Therefore social kitchen emerged to become the mains trend of the new generation of kitchen design. My design in black and white tones, highlights the emotional and rational collision, the pursuit of social modernity, reflects the responsible and quality side of young people's life. The details were also designed thoughtfully. This apartment of 38 square meters, is provided with a folding bar which can release and retract freely makes full use of space. There is a french sash in the south, so you can taste and enjoy life with friends when the sunset.
  In the kitchen appliances, we adopt Fisher & Paykel Companion family of four, French refrigerator, lift stove, induction cooker and hood. They greatly simplifying the galley operation, so people could have more time to communicate with each other. Through these modular products to liberate the users from the kitchen composed of stove and refrigerator, to let the space designed back to the origin "service" point, so that people could experience the warmth of home while in the social space.

设计人:赵鹏 朱孟晗


