采访:Elena 伍星
President and chief architect of Guangzhou Hanhua Architects+Engineers Co., Ltd.
ID:您是如何理解自然与不自然?What are you think about Natural and Un-Natural?
The concepts of “natural” and “unnatural” are not contradictory in my understanding. “Natural” means more original phenomena in the world of nature, and there are lots of rules and laws hidden underneath the numerous surface of the natural world. While the idea of “unnatural” refers to men’s re-creation after induction and summarization of the natural phenomena. Therefore “unnatural” is the advancement of “natural”, and it is natural eventually.
ID: 建筑师既不同于艺术家,更不是单纯的设计师,他与城市空间和社会发展有着密切的联系,您是如何理解现代建筑师是以什么样的身份服务于社会?
Architect is different from an artist or a designer. It relate more to the urban space and development of society. How do you comprehend the identity of architect?
Cities and architecture are inherent with their broad sociality, therefore modern architects are impossible to be mere artists. Architects are required to have multi-level knowledge, comprehensive thinking ability and fine artistic culture. Design is a matter of solving professional problems with a unique way derived from the designer’s comprehensive thinking.
ID: 您的设计作品有非常多被行业所熟知,例如:“市长大厦和大都会广场、广东美术馆时代分馆”等,能否介绍一下“广东海上丝绸之路博物馆”这个项目?
Many of your works are well-known in industry, like Mayors Plaza, Metropolitan Square and Times Museum. Could you introduce the project “Marine Silk Road Museum”?
In the design of the Marine Silk Road Museum I attempted to solve the problem by even more simple and pure architectural language and design logic. The key spatial configuration of the project is the “connected cabin”. Five connected oval-shaped cabins in the section work reasonably to settle the museum’s space, function and wide-span structure. During the design process I didn’t pay much attention to the external form of the museum, but rather to reflect its internal relationships and the generating logic of architecture.
Could you talk about the idea of the creation in Un-natural II?
In the creation of Un-natural II I try to express my thinking of the “unnatural” through the simplest design manner by using a complete piece of stone and manipulate it thru cutting, pasting, connecting and folding, etc. to create a three-dimensional stone panel, the whole process is very clear to understand. The original design should be reflected through the designer’s thinking and understanding of the problem and solving it using the most economic and simple means. This is the very direction that modern design need to propose the most with the concept of “lest is the most”.