采访:Elena 伍星
Assistant Professor at School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
ID:您们是如何理解自然与不自然?What are you think about Natural and Un-Natural?
冯国安:自然是所有东西最原始状态的描述,我们也许不知道为何他们会这样出现, 但自然确实是生活的最大舞台。
不自然是人类把外来力量加在自然物质后的状态, 这种状态也许是好也许是坏。
我们一直生活在这两种状态中间, 如果我们生活靠近不自然多一点, 那就消耗自然多一点。自然和不自然之间的关系, 是和谐?是矛盾?我觉得完全决定于人类的欲望。如果我们的欲望无穷大, 那自然能不能承受的来呢?
Natural is the primitive status of universe, we may not know where they come from, but it is the biggest stage of our lives.
Un-Natural is the human intervention on nature. This processing result is unpredictable, can fall into contribution or disaster?
We get used to live between these two status, if we incline to Un-Natural more, we are consuming more Nature. What is the relationship between them? Is it in harmony or confronting each other? It totally depends on us, if we are over consuming,how could nature be sustained?
ID: 您觉得策展与建筑设计之间的区别是什么?
What is the difference between the curatorial and architectural design?
冯国安:对我来说, 无论是建筑设计,策展或教学,它们有着共同的关注点, 就是以建筑学为出发点的事情。如果建筑学是解决问题的学问, 那问题的答案不一定只有建筑物, 可能是一个展览, 可能是一本书, 或一次空间装置。建筑学最终该培养独立思考,批判的设计方法, 所以毕业生改去做其他设计类行业(室内, 产品或动画?)也很有发展的空间。
当然我的最大兴趣还是建筑设计, 但策展和建筑有很多相同的地方, 譬如需要和很多不同专业背景的人合作协调, 或传递设计理念等。 策划过的展览大部分现场设计是我来主持的, 因为我觉得除了展览内容,如何去看展览或体验这个空间也是非常关键的, 所以在策展人身份同时我也作为建筑师参与进去。
I believe architectural design or being curator and professor; they are all sharing same vision: starting from architecture, end with architecture. If architecture is knowledge to solve problems, then the answer should not be only making nice buildings, it can be one exhibition, one publication or one installation. In the end, architecture trains us independent and critical thinking.
My interest still focusing on architecture and research, but making exhibition has many similarities with architecture, for example communicating with different people or delivering design ideas etc. Almost all exhibitions curated I also involved in spatial planning and design, as I think it is important to have unity of exhibits and exhibition space.
Can you explain the meaning and purpose of the activity from you the
curator of “Un-Natural two”?
人类作为自然的一部分,本来是一种和谐的关系, 但这种关系, 随着科技的发展, 已经产生很微妙的变化, 我们消耗自然资源的速度已经快于它自我恢复的能力, 那未来是一个如何的概念? 等于电影中那种不见天日的城市, 还是我们要搬去其他星球去?
作为设计师, 我们也难逃自然的启发,所谓的设计, 不就是顺应自然的产物麽?材料的特性, 人类的尺度或天气的变化,这些无时无刻给我们设计的灵感。
不自然的所有作品关心的是如何传递自然这个原初的信息,如何通过作品去说明人类和自然的和谐关系。在同时间, 我们也结合新技术去制造这些作品, 利用不常规的工艺去思考材料的可能性。
The goal of Un-Natural 2 is interpretation of Natural and exploration of new material technology.
Human as part of our nature, originally they are in harmonic relationship. But it has been changed since our rapid development, the speed of consuming is faster than its recovering, so what is the concept of future? Will it be city of darkness or we have to immigrate to another planet?
Designers never can escape from nature; the product is the result of combing natural material and un-natural process. The characteristic of material, the human dimensions or changes in weather conditions give us enormous inspirations.
We wish to transmit the concept of nature by the design and exhibition and at the same time we will try to explore the new possibilities of material by innovative technology.
Would you like to share your creative direction of “Un-Natural two”?
冯峰:在设计中, 希望通过作品能描述一种很平静的心灵状态。常说现在生活很浮躁, 只是是因为我们难以安静下来只专注一个事情, 或一个生活的片段, 只有停下来, 我们才可以接受更多。
赏花或观鱼是一种很宁静的状态, 所以我的作品是一片水池, 外形象一片四叶草, 每个叶片承载不同深度和尺度的水池, 它们可以是鱼池也可以是莲塘, 随着主人的心情来替换。 在材料处理上, 把大理石处理成片块, 过后叠加成叶片状的水池, 结合了水的不定性和石头的重量感而成。
这一花一草一水一景, 传递一种安宁的心情。
My proposal tries to communicate a peaceful message. We are losing the sense of secure or over demanding on luxury. We are living with speed and difficult to focus on one thing at one time, if we can slow down ourselves, we may gain more fulfillment of life.
It is refreshing when we are with flowers blooming or fish wondering, therefore my design is pieces of water pools, the overall outlook is leaf shape and different leaf is holding different size of pool. We may change the theme of the pool from time to time. The pool is made by natural stone, we will make the stone into slices and stack up for making the base. It is combination of softness of water and hardness of natural stone.
People may fall into peacefulness by the flower, water, plants and the wishes.