

编辑:Elena 伍星
主办:美国《Interior Design》中文版、意大利《Area》中文版
摄影支持:IVY 摄影工作室
With the great leap forward movement, on one hand we are destroying the nature, but on the other hand we are reproducing nature as complement to our disappearing experience. City and Nature are always fighting against each other.City is the transition entity between natural and unnatural environment. But with the current social value, we get used to abstract or fake symbols rather than authentic nature, or nature itself being distorted.We think about what’s Naturaland Un-natural? how about the relationship between them?
在城市大建造运动中,我们对自然的破坏从未停止,但同时又在试图重造自然去弥补正在 消失的记忆。所以城市或建筑本身就是自然和不自然的过度体,但随着日益浮躁的价值观 ,符号化、娱乐化的语言逐渐蒙蔽了我们对自然的真正认识,甚至自然本身就被扭曲了,城市逐渐站在了自然的对立面。为了思考和回应到底什么是natural?而什么又Un-natural? 他们之间又有怎样的联系?

After a year of planning and organization of the " unnatural " was opening at 103AF Canton Tower on 2012,July 28. and Architects were exchange of thoughts and opinions with media at Canton view bay.Organizers:《Interior Design》and 《Area》.Special guest:The representative of the government leaders, The representative of the U.S. Consulate, 15 famous architects and artists. And domestic and foreign media attended the press conference.
经过一年策划和安排“不自然2”于2012年7月28日在世界第一高电视塔——珠江新城标志性 建筑广州塔的府隆重揭幕。由美国《Interior Design》中文版、意大利《Area》中文版主 办;景兴地产、雅伦格、域图联合赞助。应邀出席此次新闻发布会的嘉宾有:省市领导, 美国驻广州总领事馆代表,及国内外,香港等各大媒体代表。建筑师与媒体面对面深入交 流,创意、思想和激情在广州千年传统中轴与珠江横轴核心交汇碰撞。

Life with Nature; Nature by Design,Unnatural is a re-thinking process towards nature and the re-interpretation of material processing.15 designers shall design according to their understandings towards nature. The products not necessarily respond to daily life, it could be visionary or experimental interventions.Design through the mind and hand is an unnatural process. Designers change the nature of the material to meet the design intentions; this unnatural process reveals the inner value of the material.


Creative team of "Un-Natural two"
“不自然2” 强大的创作阵容如下:
蔡雯瑛(Jasmine)、冯峰(F.Fung)、冯国安(Philip Fung)、冯果川(GuoChuan Fung)、何健翔(JianXian Ho)、刘珩(Heng Liu)、倪阳(Yang Ni)、宋刚(Gang Song)、王维仁(weiren Wang0、冼剑雄(JianXiong Xian)、曾光(Guang Zeng0、张之杨(Young Zhang0、曾庆豪(Thomas Tsang)、张韵雯 (Handkerchief)

  • 14位建筑师和艺术家
  • 嘉宾的大合影