您的位置:网站首页 > 设计专题 > 设计资讯类 > 上海国际创意产业周----德国馆 > 800秀的诞生主题展
背景 |
800秀的诞生 |
800秀数据 |
800秀场地制造 |
秀场外立面的变迁 |
秀场长廊的变迁 |
3号楼的变迁 |
休闲广场的变迁 |
2号楼内部的变迁 |
创意办公区的变迁 |
施工现场 |
7号楼的变迁 |
11号楼的制造 |
8号楼的变迁 |
重生@800秀开幕式 |
重生@800秀艺术展 |
创意办公区鸟瞰 |
14号楼的变迁 |
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If you have ever ventured between Kang Ding Road and Chang Ping Road, you might have noticed the prominent scaffolding poking high above the blue and white construction panels. In fact, if you are really observant, you might even have noticed the factory-shaped building behind the scaffolding beginning to take form. According to management company 800 Show Co. Ltd., this Summer 2009 will finally see the “800 Show” site unveiling. Following its imminent face-lift by German-based urban design company “logon”, the former steel factory complex will keep its rich history and much of its architecture but will take on a distinctly new purpose. The 14 buildings of the site that were built over 50 years and designed in different styles for different usages will be key elements of a new creative park. Historically, the site was comprised of the 120m long factory hall with its ornate wooden roof, of villas in the north dating back to 1920-30s and several office buildings in the south built in 1960-70s. In December 2007, based on their multi-functional creative park business concept, logon was selected as winner of the international competition to renovate the former factory park, renamed “800 Show”. Whereas traditionally, a creative park would serve one function, namely for creative offices, logon put forward a proposal to combine inter-related usages around the creative industry. The presented feasibility study revealed that a leisure offering could compliment the event hall, and the event hall could compliment the office space. The proposed design optimized event space using an impressive 80m of the factory hall for events. The design team boldly dragged the facade out to the road for passersby to peer in through the glass. As for the rest of the buildings, they were renovated with individual design in reminder of the individuality of original construction. Thanks to the combination of dynamic new creative purpose and design nestled in a historic building, a new identity emerges that cannot be simulated by ‘simply’ creating new architecture. Once opened right onto Chang De Road, the former factory’s majestic glass facade becomes a clear landmark, branding the place (the 800 Show Creative Park) and giving it a strong new identity. As French architect Laurence Savy explains: “It thus becomes a place with a face. As the Eiffel Tower or the Oriental Pearl Tower are city branding for Paris and Shanghai, the emblematic hall becomes place branding for the 800 Show”. As for a “place with pause”, the 800 Show will combine culture, leisure and business activities integrating an intentional space for rest. This explains the partially shaded garden roof-tops, courtyards and open plazas. So, you might ask, after place and face is created, what will the buildings serve as? As logon registered architect Han Zai Yu explains, once finished, the factory building will become an event hall, taking advantage of its long shape and dominant location for fashion shows, music performances and even car shows. The north facing villas on the one side of the main hall will serve as public places for exhibitions, galleries or dining venues. Finally, the complex at the south will become home to various creative industry offices, proudly boasting high beams, raw materials and remnants of the previous factory structure. By creating such identities for the 3 zones, the park indeed has a multifunction purpose, maximizing usage of the space throughout the day and night, weekdays and weekends. Once the 800 Show Creative Park on Chang De Road is finished, it will be a strong statement as only creative park integrating an event hall in and around Jing’ An district. Following the transformation, the majestic glass entrance is a new focal point for the district, welcoming visitors into the park. Inside, it is a place where culture, leisure and office space interact in an environment rich in history yet fitting to the needs of today’s creative industry.
上海静安区正以飞快的脚步发展,Pascal Hartmann先生作为罗昂公司的社会学家,同时也是《创意上海》一书的联合作者(将于2009年秋发行)评论到:“城市的高速发展往往导致忽视普通市民回归本质生活的需求。800秀这个项目也正从另一个角度尝试弥补这一缺憾,这里将成为静安区的门面,也将是人们忘却快节奏生活,寻找生活本身乐趣的理想场所。”基于这个想法,800秀的设计以保护场地原有老建筑为原则,通过新的设计元素,赋予园区多种用途,同时强调其独特性和象征意义。
800秀在常德路上开放营业之后,老工厂绚丽的玻璃幕墙将成为这里一道独特的风景线,为园区树立品牌形象,突出其内在品质。法国建筑师Laurence Savy解释道:“800秀创意园区将成为该地区的门面。正如艾菲尔铁塔和东方明珠电视塔是巴黎和上海的地标性建筑一样,展会大厅在800秀园区内具有同样的象征意义”。至于说到这是一个理想的休闲场所,是因为园区集文化,休闲和商务活动于一体,这里有庭院,有树荫,有屋顶花园,有开放式广场,为人们所向往。
是的,你可能会问,这里是一个门面也是一个理想的休闲去处,但里面的建筑能提供哪些服务呢?罗昂公司一级注册建筑师韩再宇先生的回答是,该项目完成后,老的厂房长廊将成为一个展会大厅,充分利用其超长的进深和在园区内的突出位置优势,举办各类时装展示会,音乐盛典,甚至是汽车展。北面别墅区将被改造成展览,画廊和餐饮区域。南面的建筑群具有超高的梁柱结构从而创造出惊人的大空间尺度,原材料被再次使用,老工厂的结构也得以最大程度的保留,这些特点将吸引各类创意产业到此办公。园区的3个区域个性鲜明,无论是白天,晚上,工作日或双休日,这里都能满足人们各种不同的需求。 为了改进800秀整体的品质标准,通行便利对于用户和访客来说极其重要,地铁7号线的通车使人们步行几分钟就能到达,而作为展览用途,很多地方被精心设计,使得整个场地非常符合国际布展标准。在咨询了国际项目策划机构之后,800秀的设计优化了各类设施以配合活动的开展,大厅设有专门的储藏区域,内外处于同一水平高度,大型卡车甚至能够直接从正门进入。另外园区内还为车辆配备了荫僻的立体停车库。 |
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