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1905 年,GIRA 公司成立于德国拉德沃尔姆瓦尔德市,是一个拥有850多名员工的中型企业。自创建以来,GIRA就一直致力于低压电器的技术开发工作,生产制造民用开关、插座、调光器、百叶窗控制系统;用于数码技术、电话通讯、音响效果和高压防护方面的电器,以及应用了最新科技的门口对讲系统及智能总线控制系统等。从GIRA的任一系列任一款产品上,您都可以发现GIRA无时无刻不在关注产品的舒适性和安全性,而不仅仅是具有美观的外表。无论设计风格还是产品质量方面,GIRA产品都具有极佳品质。由德国北莱茵—威斯特法伦州颁发的设计奖、德国巴登符腾堡州国际设计大奖、德国体现
高品质设计的权威奖项红点大奖(Rot Punkt fuer Hoch Designqualitaet)等设计奖项和由质量管理系统机构颁发的 ISO 9001质量认证书均是最好的佐证。
Intelligent, forward-looking technology and flexible solutions combined with high quality of design: the modern electrical installation from Gira.
The combination of various fields is increasing in importance: More and more new technologies have fused through the Gira design platforms with the electrical installation and become part of the world of switches. Telecommunication connections, functions for bus technologies etc. have been integrated successfully – Gira is a founding member of the EIBA – and even LED illumination, door communication technology and Keyless In functions.
Smoke detectors and alarm systems further round out the Gira assortment.
The products are developed under constant consultation with the electro-technical wholesale market, the electrical trade, the electro-technical retail market, and planners and architects. The goal is to implement the basic principles of the company regarding design and concept throughout all the featured objects.
The integrative thought processes and the openness of development are also shown in the design of the new Gira production facility. Designed by Ingenhoven architects, it further reflects the philosophy of the company, i.e. innovation, transparency and communication: The traditional separation of industrial and business related workplaces was dispensed with here in favour of improved workflow and shorter paths of communication.
A high standard of quality in all areas of activity of the company is also confirmed by the Association for the Certification of Quality Management Systems (DQS) with the certificate pursuant to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.