From 2006, Fei Gallery has gathered a host of Lingnan elite artists to exhibit contemporary art of unique character and has been well recognized by both art community and society.
We have cooperated with medias and charitable organizations and organized successfully held several commonweal exhibitions. We have been applying ourselves to connecting art closely with society.
In May, 2009, Fei Gallery was moved to G Floor of Estate Plaza. The large space not only meets the demand of holding all kinds of contemporary art exhibitions but also salon, lecture, fashion show, small size concert, drama and modern dance performance.
Unnatural:Life with Nature;Nature by Design
Curator:Philip Fung
展览时间: 2013年6月30日—7月16日
Exhibition Duration : 30 June — 16 July 2013
展览地址 :扉艺廊,广州市农林下路五号亿达大厦G层 (地铁一号线东山口站C出口)
Exhibition Address: Fei Gallery, G Floor, Estate Plaza, No.5, Nong Lin Xia Road, Guangzhou(Metro Exit C of Dongshankou Station Line 1)
参与艺术家:蔡雯瑛+Chris Lai, 冯峰+卢鑣鑣, 冯国安, 冯果川, 何健翔, 刘珩, 倪阳,手帕工作室, 宋刚,冼剑雄,王维仁,曾庆豪,曾光,张之扬。
Artist: Jasmine Tsoi+Chris Lai, F.Fung+B.Biao Lu, Philip Fung, GuoChuan Feng, JianXian He, Doreen Liu, Andrew Ni, HandKerChief, Gang Song, Janson Xian, WeiJen Wang, Thomas Tsang, Guang Zeng, Young Zhang.
With the great leap forward movement, on one hand we are destroying the nature, but on the other hand we are reproducing nature as complement to our disappearing experience. City and Nature are always fighting against each other. Design through the mind and hand is an unnatural process. Designers change the nature of the material to meet the design intentions; this unnatural process reveals the inner value of the material. City is the transition entity between natural and unnatural environment. But with the current social value, we get used to abstract or fake symbols rather than authentic nature, or nature itself being distorted.
Unnatural is a re-thinking process towards nature and the re-interpretation of material processing. We start the project since July 2012 and finally all the 14 works will be exhibited from 30 June 2013 at Guangzhou Fei Gallery. Through the projects, we are questioning and redefining the relationship between what is natural and unnatural.
For the past year, we had encountered many challenges; many design changes; uncountable failures plus numerous tests in technology and craftsmanship. We sincerely invite all of you may visit the exhibition and experience our 300 days unnatural journey.