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Rolf Benz 罗福宾士 | Luxoom 路通 | COORDINATION 协调 | mediaman动线网络 | 罗昂建筑 | thismedia |
德意志工商中心 | Kéré Architecture |
Graft 格拉福特 | 莱默建筑 |
HAHN VON HANTELMANN | wentzel Hahn |
The BBS is anxious to realize the current state-of-the-art in practice and consequently to give commands to the implementation. The BBS INSTITUT supports the BBS INGENIEURBüRO with laboratory tests while working on projects. The characteristics of the building materials and their dependence on the accompanying situation are checked to develop an optimal concept regarding an economical point of view.
Complementary, we give advice to the development of new structures and materials. These new structures and materials will be optimised on the basis of preliminary studies which are based on scientific and practice-orientated research; also, we attend to them until launch.
We work on publicly promoted themes of research as well as concrete kind of questions of theindustry and economy.
BBS一直致力于将最新的科技运用于实践之中,并对项目的最终完成给予指导。 需要补充说明的是,我们还从事新型建筑结构与材料研发的咨询工作,以科学的、面向实践的研究为基础对结构及材料进行初步研究,并在初步研究的基础上将其优化。我们会不断致力于此,直到将产品引入市场。 我们也从事国家资助的研究项目,比如有关工业和经济的具体课题。 |
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