第三届北京国际建筑双年展将在751厂 区举行,一个之前作为工业区的场所将 变为一个聚焦艺术与设计的公园。本次 展览的主题为绿色建筑与可持续性。 展区的设计旨在重新定义那些之前在
其厂区内被视为消极意义的遗留物。 所选择的主体元素既要展现出其所处 的工业区的灵魂,又不失其所要表达 的当代价值,正如节能,可持续性及 循环利用。
在之前的厂区中卸下来的管子,沿着展 示路径布置。这些管子排布成致密的组 合,形成与主要展示区,参观路线相符 的布局。参观者通过这些管子的指示到 达各个展示区,同时从这些管子上喷绘
The Third Architecture Beijing Biennial visual identity reinterprets the negative
legacy of site 751, choosing a key element that will respect the industrial soul
of the area, yet introducing contemporary values such as ecology, sustainability
and recycling. The dismantled pipes of the former industrial site are placed along
the exhibition path, grouped densely in correspondence to the principal exhibition
areas and stretched along the main avenue. The visitors are
废弃厂区成为其自身的比照,并表达出 可持续性和生态性。 钢和管子构成的大都市景观成为文化交 流的传媒。夜晚,从金属外壳散发出的 光线把人们带入锈蚀的室内空间,沿着
guided around the venue by the pipes themselves, also providing information about
the Biennial printed on them. The memory of the industrial past is thus preserved.
Brownfield become their own antithesis and communicate messages of sustainability
and ecology. A metropolitan landscape of steel and pipes becomes a vehicle of communication
and culture. At night, lights from inside the metallic shells give life to the rusty
interiors and guide the visitors along the path.