您的位置:网站首页 >  2008第三届中国国际建筑双年展 > 意大利ABB组团 展区介绍        双年展简介        意大利ABB组团

从1991年意大利商会建会以来,我们 和我们的会员一直致力于中意两国之间 的文化交流和经济合作。我们的会员涉 及社会的各个领域,包括中小型企业、 银行、律师事务所、保险业、咨询和投 资公司等。通过建立商业往来和信息交 流合作,我们正逐渐把意大利的商业融 入中国市场。
在2008(第三届)中国国际建筑艺术 双年展中,中国意大利商会推出了一个 展位,旨在介绍意大利的城市规划和建 筑设计作品,以推动中国受众对意大利 设计的认识。这次参与展会的所有意大 利企业,都在建设中国式城镇方面拥有 丰富的经验,尤其注意生态和谐。
我们邀请到很多杰出的意大利建筑师和 公司参与到此次展会中来,您可以在我 们的宣传册中找到他们的相关介绍。这 其中包括:Archea Associati、A.R.R.国 际(上海)、Domani Casa、Finenco Architects、iGuzzini照明中国有限公司、N次方工作室、Progetto建筑设 咨询公司(北京)、Sergio Giocondi Architect & Associates、 Spaces等公司。
Since 1991, the year
of its foundation, the
CICC gives support to its
members, including the
major and medium size
companies, banks, solicitor’s
offices, assurances,
consulting and entrepreneurial
companies in the
creation and development
of economical and trading
relationships between
the two cultures and
countries, thus facilitating
the access of the Italian
business to the Chinese
market by promoting the
establishment liaisons for
business agreements and
carrying out communication
and information
For ABBeijing 2008,
CICC promotes Italian
Design in China, by participating
with an exhibition
area, dedicated to Italian
projects focused on city
planning and architectural
design. All the Italian
Companies involved in
this project, have a well
established experience
in the construction of
Chinese cities and towns,
with special attention to
the ecological harmony.
Some of the best Italian
architects and companies
working in this sector will
be present at ABBeijing
and you can find their
description into the
pages of this catalogue.
They are: Archea, A.R.R.
International Shanghai,
Domani Casa, Finenco
Architects, iGuzzini
Lighting China, n!studio,
Progetto Architectural
Design Consultants,
Sergio Giocondi Architect
& Associates, Spaces.