
比利时大学毕业。原中信华南建筑设计研究院总建筑师。目前是源计划建筑设计的创立人。广州白云国际会议中心、大事馆等项目设计,2008.9英国文化协会主办的“和合设计”(INCLUSIVE DESIGN)竞赛,“MPSTICK”获得最佳设计奖 2007获由英国教育文化协会和英国领事馆主办的“设想英伦”(DESIGN UK)2007国际青年设计创意英才(IYDEY)竞赛中国区第二名,2005作为中方主创建筑师与比利时BURO II建筑设计事务所合作,获广州白云国际会议中心国际建筑竞赛第一名,并定为实施方案(该项目在巴塞罗那世界建筑界上被评为2008年度世界最佳公共建筑)。

不自然2创作作品——薄山水  Thin Shan Shui

Unlike the western tradition in painting, Chinese painters’ philosophy tends to flatten the solid natural landscape on thin paper, instead to represent it in real perspective.
Thin Shan Shui is an experiment on the possibility of the thinness of the two sorts of “stone” – natural and artificial, exploring their condition of existence between “form” and “formless” and thus expressing the materials’ poetry. The installation attempts to reconsider the material relationship of “lightness” and “heaviness”, as well as “softness” and “hardness”.
The artificial “stone”, a thin layer of translucent resin shaped to a wavy form, will float (hung by transparent wires) in the air, with spotlight on top to strengthen the variation of the thickness. The objective of the experiment is to define the least thickness and weight of the “stone” “Shui”, by creating the wavy form of the shaped resin. The natural form of “Shui” is perfectly controlled by computer parameters.
The natural stone artifact rises from the ground. It grows in the air with a controlled thickness to a shaped topographic segment of a hill form. The form-making of “Shan” starts from architect’s sketch, and then a sketch miniature as a reference to the stone-craftsmen. Based on their experience on the material and the interaction of their hands, the stone-craftsmen cultivate the “shan” shape from a rough stone block. The stone “shan” can be seen as a mini playground or an extended seating.


  • 万科-Nai北京回龙观微型实验住宅(2011年)
  • 广州白云国际会议中心(2005-2007,作为中方主设计师与比
  • 贵港市文化中心(2007年,国际建筑设计邀请竞赛)