

不自然2创作作品——石@和 • 屏 Marble Screen

The stone screen is made with marbles being cut into different sizes and yet each piece is integrated with the screen without wasting any materials.

The screen emphasizes the harmony of Ying and Yang and it is the spirit of Chinese culture. The joinery is made with bamboo, wood and stones by utilizing traditional technics.


阴 • 阳:阴阳和谐、亦阴亦阳,互为彼此,提炼中国传统之精华。

木榫构造:竹、木、石制器物或 件上利用凹凸方式相接处凸出的部分;借用古人智慧,演绎当代构造。

  • 珠海航空展览馆 夜景鸟瞰
  • 广州博物馆新馆
  • 广东海上丝绸之路博物馆