

1996年,作品获韩国“和平祈愿”奖 2009年,受聘担任美国三藩市杰出华人艺术顾问 2011年,应邀赴澳大利亚文化交流,并在塔斯马尼亚州作“中国绘画之我见”学术报告2011
年,任广东省建设厅“最具岭南特色建筑”评委 2012年,应丹麦驻广州领事馆邀请作画;任广东省建设厅“广东名镇名村”评委

不自然2创作作品——云和地  Cloud and Earth

f God creates natural, then the Son of God creates unnatural. Creativity is the special ability of human beings; of coz we also have intervention. If we categorize intervention into science, creativity into art, then art can become dialogue to the God.
Starting from the first day of earth, Sky is lightness while Earth is polluted. Tao creates the One, One becomes Two, Two becomes Three and Three generates everything (Laozi ). The design represents two extremes of the Heaven and Earth, with the audience as third party. We are living in between the Heaven and Earth and respecting them.
The sphere as soft, soft as lightness with unlimited changes; The earth is hard, hard as heaviness with everything contained. If we get the both, we will be in harmony.
The One by Laozi means harmony and unity. This is the fundamental of art. If all the conflicts in the world can be solved and become harmony, it is the highest standard of beauty. Every artwork is a process of harmony. ‘ We live with the heaven and earth, we stay harmony with everything’ is the ultimate spirit of human beings and also the creation of art.


  • 灿灿如日
  • 无华大美
  • 瑞雪丰年